Cloud Infrastructure and Migration Solutions

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Empower Your Team to
Work Together Seamlessly

Future-Proof Infrastructure

Modernize your business and meet the need for remote work options with cloud infrastructure management services. Lose the onsite servers that require physical maintenance and introduce avenues for hardware failure. Instead, offer your team a way to sync their productivity and centralize the valuable data you need for daily operations.

Unreliable and aging infrastructure has a huge impact on your business’s ability to provide for your customers. Cloud infrastructure management services enable your business to maximize efficiency and flexibility, using technology that can carry your business well into the future. Files and all other data and structures can either match the current configuration your team is used to, or you may choose to start with something new and fresh to improve scalability and success.

Bright colors zoom past indicating a fast wired network

Implement innovative cloud infrastructure confidently with a trusted IT advisor like Anderson Technologies.

Our Cloud Infrastructure Specialties

Microsoft 365 Cloud Migration

Modernize your virtual workspace with a suite of trusted industry-leading cloud apps.

File Sharing and Collaboration

Enable your team to maximize productivity in a collaborative data environment.

Office Moves and Expansions

New physical workspaces provide opportunities to implement fully customized migration plans.

Work from Anywhere Remote Security Discovery

Hybrid workforces require modern cybersecurity protection. We offer customized solutions.

IT Consulting Facilitated SharePoint

Microsoft 365 Cloud Migration

Enterprise-Grade Innovation at Your Fingertips

Collaboration and file organization has never been easier. We move your network off inconsistent servers or 3rd party cloud providers that don’t integrate with the applications you use every day. Streamline productivity across a remote or hybrid workforce with our team’s expert implementation.

File Sharing and Collaboration

Highly-Customized Data Environment

Specialized fields require specialized solutions. Our team tailors a cloud platform solution that will integrate with the industry tools you need to keep business running. Includes comprehensive user training and expert implementation to keep your team working efficiently.

Man and woman working in server room

Client Insights, Quotes,
and Recognition

Empowering Our Clients To Do Great Things

open quote

We feel like the luckiest clients in the world to have the technology back-up that we have with Anderson Technologies. We get so much more for our money—more knowledge and a broader spectrum of expertise than we could ever get if we were to hire just one IT employee. You’re getting dependable service from people that actually care… websites, networks, databases, they can do it all!

– A.M., Board Member, Nonprofit Organization

Moving offices? Downsizing or rightsizing? Anderson Technologies is here.

Office Moves and Expansions

Grow and Scale Without Unnecessary Downtime

Thorough IT planning makes office moves less stressful and more productive. Our team of experts works alongside your business to move all network and server infrastructure, user workstations, or any other equipment and configure it in the new space according to your needs.

Work From Anywhere Remote Security Discovery

Prepare for a Remote Workforce

Assess how well your current environment is suited to moving to a remote security infrastructure. Our team will determine the security, regulatory, and compliance requirements necessary for your industry, and recommend updates to your existing environment and form a plan for a remote workforce.

Working from home with cyber security

A Free IT Assessment Can
Help You Identify Risks

Your organization is too valuable to not have modern IT systems to keep it safe and make it scalable. A free Anderson Technologies IT Assessment will identify where you are the most vulnerable and recommend the areas to address first, affording you the most protection and peace of mind.

Two women looking at tablet on desk