Cloud Video Security

There are a lot of people out there, but you can’t trust just anybody with your computer information. Everything they do is so competent; they know what they are doing!

– J.E., Business Manager, Dental Office

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While hybrid work solutions have become the new norm, many businesses still have a brick-and-mortar center of operations. How can you make sure your business is protected, even when you’re working from afar?

Anderson Technologies offers cloud video security management alongside cybersecurity monitoring to guard your physical business location, no matter if you’re located here in St. Louis or beyond. The reality is that some cybersecurity and IT vulnerabilities are grounded in the physical world rather than digital, so ignoring that element of your IT approach means incomplete protection.

Why Cloud Video Security Matters to Your Business

No matter what size or industry your business falls under, monitoring your physical premises as well as your technological one is a need that most business owners don’t realize they need until it’s too late. Even if you don’t have a constant flow of customers or vendors onsite, situations arise where camera footage offers the quickest and most accurate resolution.

Implementing cloud video surveillance is more than monitoring who comes and goes from your physical location. This solution focuses on keeping staff, vendors, and clients accountable, rather than watched constantly. Video security systems quell potential business concerns like theft, altercations, or other workplace issues. Also, some industries require video surveillance for insurance or compliance purposes. The legal implications of not having camera footage when you need it can be detrimental.

Man and woman working in server room

With cloud video security management, you can view your company’s comings and goings all from the convenience of your everyday devices. A centralized, properly-configured hub consolidates all viewpoints and provides segmented access to certain employees.

A Free IT Assessment Can
Help You Identify Risks

Your organization is too valuable to not have modern IT systems to keep it safe and make it scalable. A free Anderson Technologies IT Assessment will identify where you are the most vulnerable and recommend the areas to address first, affording you the most protection and peace of mind.

Two women looking at tablet on desk