St. Louis IT Company Anderson Technologies Launches Onsite Cybersecurity Training for Its Clients

St. Louis IT Company Cyber Security Training

St. Louis IT company Anderson Technologies is committed to educating its clients, as well as St. Louis at large, about cyber security and IT best practices. As part of that mission, it is offering cyber security training workshops in which participants learn how to protect their computer systems from cyber attacks.

Small business owners have a lot on their plate. While it’s understandable that cyber security and other IT issues could fall through the cracks, there’s simply too much at stake to let that happen. Cyber crime targeting small businesses is on the rise everywhere, and St. Louis is no exception. By adhering to IT best practices, employees can mitigate their risk of being victimized by a cyber attack, including ransomware. In fact, it’s one of the smartest things they can do to help protect their business.

The team at Anderson Technologies strives to deliver clients the best managed IT services possible. It also wants to educate them. That’s why it recently unveiled an Onsite Cyber Security Training program to provide educational workshops about IT best practices. The IT company holds the sessions at clients’ offices for their convenience.

Mark Anderson, principal of Anderson Technologies, understands audience members have varying degrees of tech proficiency, so he designs his talks to resonate with non-technical staff members as well as those with deeper domain knowledge. Topics covered include:

  • Cyber crime and how it can impact you and your business
  • The importance of a multi-layered security approach
  • Creating reliable data backups and a strong disaster recovery plan
  • Why you need a hardware firewall and business-grade anti-virus/anti-malware software
  • Digital best practices all your employees should follow

Anderson also teaches participants how to recognize phishing emails and how to safely make company purchases online. After his presentation, questions from the audience are encouraged. He says the Q&A is one of the most valuable portions of the session.

The St. Louis cyber security and IT company ran its first cyber security training seminar this April where Anderson fielded questions about password management and what to do if you think your computer has been infected with malware.

Even if a business has taken the proper precautions to protect its data from cyber attacks, an employee can unwittingly infect the network with malware by clicking a nefarious link or downloading a dangerous attachment. These scams have become tougher to spot as criminals get better at spoofing legitimacy. The increasing difficulty is what makes education even more crucial. By teaching its clients best practices and how to recognize red flags, Anderson Technologies believes it can help keep them safer online.

“Education is power,” says Anderson. “We want everyone to be as knowledgeable as possible, which is why we offer these workshops as a value-add for our clients, as well as to others in the St. Louis community. We believe educating users about cyber security best practices can save everyone trouble in the future and help limit the number of cyber attacks.”

As part of its mission to educate the St. Louis community about cyber security, the IT company has also produced an ebook, An Employee’s Guide to Preventing Business Cyber Crime. Educating every employee, at every level of the organization, is an often-overlooked step of cyber security. This guide is specifically designed for small businesses and emphasizes that every employee has a role to play when it comes to keeping a business safe from mounting cyber threats. The ebook is available to download for free.

Anderson Technologies is a St. Louis cyber security company committed to providing quality IT services to St. Louis and beyond. If you’re interested in setting up a cyber security training session at your office, contact Anderson Technologies by sending an email to or calling 314.394.3001.