From Groundwork to Greatness: How IT Fueled Our Client’s Rapid Growth

Farica Chang

By Principal Farica Chang

A four-strong, private-equity-backed team of people looking to acquire a range of home services businesses across the country knew they needed an IT partner to help them. They recognized they had their work cut out for them and were determined to  achieve their growth goals—so they called in the Anderson Technologies team. Read on to find out how we guided them through an ambitious mission by ensuring their IT could handle the pace.

Step 1: Due Diligence

IT is often overlooked during acquisitions, but once a business is under your umbrella, their technology—and all its liabilities—become your responsibility. If you’ll need to pay out for an extensive overhaul, it’s helpful to know this ahead of the purchasing negotiations.

We analyzed prospective companies our client was looking to obtain, gaining a thorough overview of their IT infrastructure. Were they operating on legacy systems? Did they have any cloud integration in place? Were their data storage practices updated with modern compliance requirements? Where did their emails, domain, website(s) live? What did their on-premise hardware look like?

All these considerations and more were important to factor in when advising our client on the work needed to bring these possible acquisitions under one corporate umbrella.

Step 2: Installing Enterprise-Grade Infrastructure

Even the smallest startups can benefit from industry-leading solutions, and by partnering with us, our client gained access to these at a price point that didn’t set them back. Our team visited each site to implement:

  • Firewalls
    We replaced the outdated ones and installed suitable network security in the businesses that didn’t have any.
  • Servers
    Aging infrastructure spells disaster when it comes to data safeguarding, and that’s a risk neither our clients nor their businesses should have to take. In the cases where a server was still needed, we performed migrations to updated hardware, but in most cases, we migrated data into Microsoft 365 SharePoint for a cost-effective transition.
  • Wireless Access Points
     All of which could be managed from a single pane of glass.
  • Network Switches
    Cloud-managed switches replaced old dusty hardware, allowing our IT team to maintain and troubleshoot remotely across the geographically dispersed acquisitions.

Step 3: Migration, Migration, Migration

It was out with the old and in with the new for the final stage of our client’s IT transformation journey.

We migrated every disparate email hosting platform—from existing Microsoft 365 environments, Google Workspace, Network Solutions, and GoDaddy domains—and a lacking cohesive data storage solution to a fully-configured Microsoft 365 environment, allowing for secure, collaborative remote access.

By introducing one cohesive, user-friendly platform, we enabled each team to enjoy IT that supported their workflows, boosting productivity and ultimately ensuring that our client’s investment paid off.

Going the Extra Mile

New technology can be tough to grapple with at the best of times, let alone when your entire organization’s undergoing a shift in ownership. We’re always committed to explaining the solutions we implement, and this case was no different.

We took the extra time to make sure that every new change was communicated clearly with the employees who’d be using them. Before we left the sites, it was important to us that they knew what they were getting, what it meant for them, and how to get the most from IT. Plus, we provided resources to help them become more comfortable with their newly implemented Microsoft 365 features.

At the end of the day, it’s people who are going to be the most affected by technology, not the bottom line. It’s why we’re so committed to supporting the teams at the heart of what we do and are happy to go above and beyond to elevate their technological experience. We even heard from the CFO that they felt our team cared more about the success of their business than some of their team! That’s the level of dedication we bring to every engagement.

Where Are They Now?

After a year of late nights, long phone calls with terrible legacy infrastructure support teams, and leveraging every bit of our team’s experience, the four initial companies our client acquired had grown to 14, and their once-four-person crew was now a network of 600+ employees across the country, all operating under one secure, efficient IT environment. Their well-running IT engine allowed for secure communication and collaboration between everyone, easing the transition and providing an impressive ROI.

Without early intervention, the process of conglomeration could’ve easily fallen into chaos. Instead, our client received clarity.

Why Involve an IT Company in Acquisitions?

Involving a trusted IT firm in acquisitions can be a strategic move that sets your business up for success from the start.

  • Expert Guidance: When growth is the goal, a scalable IT infrastructure is key. An experienced team helps ensure yours is built with the future in mind.
  • Clear Plan of Action From Day One: A strategic approach eases stress and confusion down the line and keeps costs down compared to sourcing a large in-house team requiring all levels of expertise for the same job.
  • Not The One, The Many: An entire team to support your business, however small you are. Manpower is never going to be the thing holding your IT back.
  • Put Your Best Foot Forward: If you’re the one selling, you want to make your business as attractive as possible to potential buyers. A secure, efficient IT environment is one obstacle removed in the sales process.

Ultimately, enlisting professionals to help with IT reconnaissance and infrastructure development will help you avoid both teething pains now and major tech toothaches down the line.

Anderson Technologies: Real People Creating Business-Changing IT Solutions

For over 25 years, Anderson Technologies has leveraged our expertise for the benefit of our clients, supplying them with suitable, secure IT and strategic guidance for their technological future.

We’re a dynamic team of IT professionals with over 200 years of combined experience and specialist certifications to back up our knowledge. As a trusted advisor, we don’t just focus on today. We strive to take your technology light-years ahead of your competition and scale with your business’s success. 

Ready to secure your business? Contact us today to get started.