Innovative IT Solutions

Innovative IT Solutions Designed to Solve Your Unique Challenges

IT Infrastructure

You’re only as strong as your weakest network. IT Infrastructure Consulting evaluates your system and identifies your specific vulnerabilities.

Managed IT

More than just a vendor, elevated managed IT services offer you a true technology partner who will work towards solutions customized for your business.


Proactive cybersecurity plans address threats from multiple angles. Read about how our comprehensive approach can keep you safe.

Cloud Infrastructure &
Migrations Solutions

Business works best when collaboration is effortless. Implementing a better solution doesn’t have to be a hassle; let it be your level up.

Data Backup &
Recovery Solutions

Don’t become a headline! We can give you the tools you need to protect your business in the event of a cyberattack or other data breach.

Cloud Video
Surveillance Solutions

Imagining the worst happening to your business doesn’t have to keep you up at night. Rest easy as your assets are recorded 24/7.

Client Insights, Quotes,
and Recognition

Empowering Our Clients To Do Great Things

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We feel like the luckiest clients in the world to have the technology back-up that we have with Anderson Technologies. We get so much more for our money—more knowledge and a broader spectrum of expertise than we could ever get if we were to hire just one IT employee. You’re getting dependable service from people that actually care… websites, networks, databases, they can do it all!

– A.M., Board Member, Nonprofit Organization

A Free IT Assessment Can
Help You Identify Risks

Your organization is too valuable to not have modern IT systems to keep it safe and make it scalable. A free Anderson Technologies IT Assessment will identify where you are the most vulnerable and recommend the areas to address first, affording you the most protection and peace of mind.

Two women looking at tablet on desk

Resources You Can Use