IT Infrastructure Consulting

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Discovery Is the First Step in
Delivering Innovative Solutions

Interpreting Infrastructure from Every Angle

Outdated and inefficient IT systems have a drastic impact on your ability to serve your clients. Downtime and frustration feed on aging, overworked networks. Even if your desktops and servers aren’t old, they may not be performing at an enterprise level.

Anderson Technologies helps minimize this needless loss of productivity by examining your IT infrastructure and shoring up outdated or underperforming elements. Consulting with our expert team for IT infrastructure services enables your business to scale and succeed well into the future. At the end, our team provides a report outlining your IT infrastructure’s strengths and a prioritized list of all recommended hardware, configuration, and best practices updates. This empowers you to implement IT infrastructure solutions at the pace that’s right for your business.

Man and woman working in server room

IT infrastructure consultation services are the best starting point for companies of any size who want to modernize and optimize the technological solutions they use every day.

Client Insights, Quotes,
and Recognition

Empowering Our Clients To Do Great Things

open quote

We feel like the luckiest clients in the world to have the technology back-up that we have with Anderson Technologies. We get so much more for our money—more knowledge and a broader spectrum of expertise than we could ever get if we were to hire just one IT employee. You’re getting dependable service from people that actually care… websites, networks, databases, they can do it all!

– A.M., Board Member, Nonprofit Organization

Our IT Infrastructure
Consulting Specialties

Office Moves and Expansions

Moving operations is a huge undertaking, but we’ve got the IT infrastructure management aspect covered.

Network Infrastructure Upgrades

Make slow response times and frustrated users a thing of the past.

Wireless Survey

Tired of slow WiFi? We walk through WAP recommendations with you.

IT Infrastructure Consultation

We identify the most vulnerable and important areas to address first.

Moving offices? Downsizing or rightsizing? Anderson Technologies is here.

Office Moves and Expansions

Grow and Scale Without Unnecessary Downtime

Thorough IT planning makes office moves less stressful and more productive. Our team of experts works alongside your business to move all network and server infrastructure, user workstations, or any other equipment and configure it in the new space according to your needs.

Network Infrastructure Upgrades

Elevate Your Systems and Ease User Stress

Aging network infrastructure causes downtime, latency, outages, frustration, and difficulties serving your clients. Develop and execute a customized network infrastructure upgrade plan with our team, all within your budget and timeline, and we’ll configure your new system for maximum performance.

Person working at laptop with different web icons overlaid
Man in front of laptop tapping holographic sever image in front of screen

Wireless Survey

Map WAPs

Experience the agility, reliability, and convenience of full WiFi coverage for your team and clients. Quality WiFi access is essential to anyone using wireless devices, so our team performs a connectivity heatmap of your physical space to determine superior performance of wireless access points, as well as installing and configuring new hardware.

IT Infrastructure Consultation

Plan for the Future by Analyzing the Present

Prevent system failures during crunch time and reduce costly fixes that don’t actually solve the problem. Our team takes a deep dive into every element of your infrastructure and provide reporting on strengths, weaknesses, and recommendations, all before following through with implementation and training.

man pointing something out on computer to woman seated at desk with headphones
Man in front of laptop tapping holographic sever image in front of screen

Server Consolidations and Upgrades

Experience the Future of Functionality

Accelerate your team’s productivity and ability to serve your clients by ditching your sluggish server and upgrading hardware. We recommend, source, and install new server hardware to meet the needs of your business now and into the future, as well as providing user training and deaccessioning your old equipment.

A Free IT Assessment Can
Help You Identify Risks

Your organization is too valuable to not have modern IT systems to keep it safe and make it scalable. A free Anderson Technologies IT Assessment will identify where you are the most vulnerable and recommend the areas to address first, affording you the most protection and peace of mind.

Two women looking at tablet on desk