Byte-Size Tech: Firewalls and Your Internet Connection

All About Firewalls Corbitt and Hadley of Anderson Technologies walk through the features and benefits of firewalls. What does this essential piece of a network actually do? What common internet problems could be solved by proper configuration? If video isn’t for you, click the green button below to read our Learn page on the same topic. And […]

Byte-Size Tech: Maximize Your Internet Connection

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Corbitt and Hadley of Anderson Technologies discuss the merits of considering wired and wireless network connections when optimizing an office. Which is better? The answer isn’t black or white. If video isn’t for you, click the green button below to read our blog on the same topic. And if you just want the video transcript, […]

Save Yourself a Call: 5 Common Helpdesk Issues and How to Fix Them (Updated)

Sometimes a little troubleshooting can save yourself a call

There’s no getting around it: some people just aren’t tech-savvy. We’ve all met (or been) that person in the workplace who just isn’t “good with computers” when everything isn’t working as it should. Those feelings are valid! Technology changes frequently, and that’s far faster than most people can keep up with. Your managed services provider […]

How to Hire an IT Company, Even If You Know Nothing About IT (Updated)

IT Company is the missing piece

Download Our Free Printable Shopping for the perfect IT provider for your business? Check out our free two-page downloadable How to Choose an IT Provider (Even If You Know Nothing About IT) to help guide the process and get meaningful answers.  Download Your Free Copy Today! Choosing outsourced IT services for your small business can […]

Updated for 2023! Our Most Popular Ebook

Cybersecurity training ebook graphic

Is your business one click away from disaster? When it comes to cybersecurity, your defenses are only as good as your employees. Even a well-meaning click could provide network access to cybercriminals. What can you do about it? At Anderson Technologies, we know the importance of employee training as a vital part of your business […]

Learn: What Is MFA and Why Do I Need It?

What is MFA or 2FA?

Multi-factor authentication (MFA), also known as two-factor authentication (2FA), is now the industry-standard solution for keeping your accounts safe—and for good reason. It feels like every week there’s another report of a data breach exposing thousands or millions of usernames, passwords, and other personal identifiable information (PII). If you’ve ever reused a password, multiple accounts could be […]

Scams for the Holidays

wrapped gift on mouse trap

By Content Specialist Marcia Spicer Ah, the winter holidays. Traditionally a time of joy and celebration, but more often a time of stress, spending, shipping, scrambling to cover time off, and, yes, scams. Unless you’re fascinated by them like I am, getting scammed is probably the last thing on your mind at any given time. […]

Quotables: Unlocking Your IT Career Potential in 2022 (ActualTech Media Webinar)

ActualTech Media

Click Here to Watch the Webinar Principal Amy O. Anderson is a featured participant in ActualTech Media’s webinar, joining professionals across the IT industry. The webinar, “Unlocking Your IT Career Potential in 2022” will give you the tips you need to move your IT career forward. Are you in need of expert IT consulting? Anderson Technologies […]

[Updated for 2021] Cybersecurity Essentials Checklist

2021 Cybersecurity Essentials Checklist The start of a new decade brings a sense of changing times and new beginnings. For your cyber security, it marks a good time to review how the state of cyber threats has changed since the time of Y2K or the 2013 Yahoo data breach. With the evolving threats and methods deployed in cyber […]

The Consequences of Free

Free apps are never truly free

What’s easier than downloading a convenient app or joining another social media site when the price is listed as free? We’ve all done it and likely enjoyed the app. But nothing is truly free. If you can’t tell where an app is getting its revenue from, then you’re probably the product they’re selling. Free apps […]