Although this latest hack might not apply to you, we want to advise you about the latest malware, nicknamed KeyRaider. News sources are reporting KeyRaider only targets “jailbroken” iPhones.
Jailbreaking is a practice most common among tech-savvy users who wish to remove the restrictions and limitations imposed by their phones’ operating systems. “Unless you have jailbroken your phone, you don’t need to worry about this malware security alert,” said Mark Anderson, principal of Anderson Technologies, Inc. “This isn’t really an issue for most of our clients but it does point to a key principle. In general, security barriers are important safeguards put in place by phone manufacturers. Bypassing these measures can have disastrous results.”
If you have a jailbroken phone or any security concerns about your computer infrastructure, we can help! Please contact us at 314.394.3001 or send an email to