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One of the most overlooked steps to small business cybersecurity is employee education. Cybersecurity training for every employee, even administration and management, proves itself to be invaluable in the event of a potential threat.

Do you know the basic security measures you should take to protect your business in 2021? With the evolving threats and methods deployed in cyber crime, basic security standards have also progressed to keep your network safe.

In 1996, the effects of HIPAA drastically changed the way Protected Health Information (PHI) is handled and secured. Anderson Technologies is here to offer the support and assistance you need to become HIPAA compliant.

It can be confusing for anyone but IT experts to understand cybersecurity best practices and implement them properly. Read what real cybersecurity experts here in St. Louis say about cybercrime and how to prevent it from impacting your business.

COVID-19 has changed the way businesses prioritize employees working from home. But in the rush to set up a remote workforce, important security measures may have fallen to the wayside. Whether you’ve already set up your work-from-home employees or just starting, it’s never too late to strengthen you cyber defenses.

Selecting an IT provider for your business is no small task. It can be tempting to narrow choices to a single variable like cost, especially when you may not know much about IT and cybersecurity yourself. But you aren’t alone.