Byte-Size Tech: Managed IT Firm Stopped Ransomware Attack In Progress Mark Anderson and Libby Powers of Anderson Technologies share background on ransomware, and what happened when Anderson Technologies encountered a ransomware attack happening to one of their clients! Spoiler alert: all of the data was saved. Related Reading How to Protect Your Data from Ransomware Ransomware as a Service: When Criminals Mimic Corporations Tired […]
Learn: Battle of the Brands: Microsoft’s Office 365 vs. Google’s Workspace
Microsoft and Google are two of the most common technology foundations. Which one you choose can fundamentally change the way you and your employees operate. The decision is a big one and will impact your company for years to come. Learn: Microsoft Office 365 vs. Google Workspace
Byte-Size Tech: 360 Audits Provide an Unbiased Look into Your Cybersecurity Infrastructure
While you focus on what matters to your business’ everyday functions, your cybersecurity can lapse and leave you vulnerable to threats. Libby Powers and Amy Anderson sit down to discuss the importance of 360 Security and Infrastructure Audits to reveal these hidden issues. Check out the transcript below! Related Reading What is a Network Security […]
Busting Business Email Compromise
In cyber security circles, Ubiquiti Networks, manufacturer of wired and wireless network devices, is infamous for more than their products. Over a period of 17 days and 14 wire transfers in 2015, $46.7 million was transferred out of Ubiquiti’s coffers to criminals’ bank accounts based on a made-up acquisition in an elaborate Business Email Compromise […]
Listen & Learn: The Keys to IT Innovation
Technology and innovation go hand in hand more often than not. The drive for creativity and efficiency feeds the ideas that lead to technical innovations, and innovative tech allows us to process information and complete tasks faster. Manufacturing and engineering firms know the importance of the tools they use every day to find and solve […]
Rightsizing Now and for the Future
COVID-19 has changed the way people live and do business, so it’s more important than ever to take a step back and assess the needs of your company. Do you have too many computers for your employees, or not enough? What products and services are you paying for each month? Whether you need to streamline […]
Policies To Update When Employees Return to Work
For more than six months, the world has been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. A true return to “normal” may seem far on the horizon, but many companies are preparing their offices for employees to return full- or part-time. There’s much to prepare in order to meet everyone’s needs during this transition, some decisions are […]
Is Your Computer Slowing You Down?
What’s holding you back from having a work-from-home experience that is just as effective as working from the office? Maybe you’ve got a rambunctious puppy or children adapting to remote learning. IT experts can’t do much about those, but in onboarding new clients and supporting existing ones during this strange time, Anderson Technologies has discovered […]
Learn: How to Maintain a Secure Work from Home Environment
Learn How to Stay Secure While Working From Home Some important reminders and guidelines to follow for any business focused on IT security, but our guide on maintaining a secure work environment from home is especially prescient for those seeking flexible options for their employees!
Everyday Complications, and an All-Hands-on-Deck Upgrade
Computers can be a real source of frustration. Even professionals outside the tech field know that IT issues can be some of the most maddening for employers and employees alike. Seemingly out of nowhere, technical systems can malfunction or seem to run differently in a way that hinders productivity and ideal workflows. Workers who use […]