The True Cost of a Data Breach

man exasperated with head on computer

by IT Director Luke Bragg * The figures presented below come from Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022, an annual analysis of data breaches conducted by the Ponemon Institute and published by IBM Security. The last thing anyone wants to imagine is a data breach happening to their company, but it’s getting to be […]

HIPAA Part 6: Plan for the Worst

HIPAA guidelines help you to plan for the worst

No one likes to think they’ll suffer a disaster, a ransomware attack, or a data breach, but hope isn’t enough to satisfy HIPAA. The question is no longer if something will happen, but when. HIPAA expects you to plan, prepare, test, and be ready for anything that could disrupt the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of […]

Hands Off the Keyboard! How Managed IT Can Recover Your Deleted Files

Can you recover deleted files?

One wrong click, a blink, then panic sets in. That file you just deleted is vital to a current project or contains records necessary to your business. Instead of letting your heart rate skyrocket, catastrophizing about what you’ve just lost, read this guide on basic data recovery. When What’s Gone Isn’t Really Gone Once you […]

The Truth about Data Recovery Services

Data Recovery Services

Have you ever accidentally deleted a file and wondered how to get it back? Now imagine your business lost all its data. This happens more commonly than you may think. Data loss is a real and growing threat to your business. Here is what you need to know about data recovery in St. Louis and […]