Why Move to Cloud Computing?
We’ve all heard this popular term or even know someone whose company has embraced it…. But is the cloud right for your business? In its most basic sense, cloud computing enables users to run programs from the internet that traditionally would’ve run from an application installed locally on their computer. Most clients are rightfully cautious […]
Managed Tech Services, Band-Aids and Cyber Terrorism
“Computers have gotten a lot more complicated. I know a lot about computers, but it got to the point where the staff would interrupt [me] about four times per day with something that wasn’t working, and they wanted me to come and fix it. They kept asking ‘Why does this keep happening?’ and I had […]
Network & Computer Audit for a Small Organization
“We feel like the luckiest clients in the world to have the technology back-up that we have with Anderson Technologies,” says A.M., Executive Director of a small, nonprofit Christian Science nursing facility. When Anderson Technologies first became the organization’s information technology (IT) advisors, the nonprofit was at wit’s end with its technology. Through the proprietary […]
Concierge Computer Services: The Solution to “I Love New but Hate Change”
The dichotomy between computers and human behavior defies logic. Everyone wants the fastest CPU and the latest and greatest apps, but adjusting to something new is often disconcerting. We like knowing where everything is on our desktop and having our settings “just so.” While we get excited about upgrades and the prospect of “newer,” “faster” […]
When Is It Time for a Computer Upgrade?
Here at Anderson Technologies, we hear this question often. Before we make any specific new equipment recommendations, we conduct a methodical analysis with our clients to review performance of current computer systems and evaluate needs. This assessment allows us to recommend changes and/or upgrades to meet their requirements. Here are a few things to think […]
Tasteful Website Design, Quick Response, and Partnership-Style Customer Service
Pleasant View Construction is a start-to-finish construction company that develops elegant craftsman-style homes in upscale West County neighborhoods. The company was looking to attract a certain type of client, one who appreciates the special touches that make a home extraordinary but may not have the time or inclination to work through all the design details […]