Byte-Size Tech: Devices and Your Internet Connection

thumbnail from video Corbitt and Hadley of Anderson Technologies take a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it look at how device count can impact your network. If you’re a growing operation, it may be time to rethink the internet that supported you 20 devices ago. If video isn’t for you, scroll down to read the video transcript. Related Reading Byte-Size Tech: Maximize […]

Byte-Size Tech: Firewalls and Your Internet Connection

All About Firewalls Corbitt and Hadley of Anderson Technologies walk through the features and benefits of firewalls. What does this essential piece of a network actually do? What common internet problems could be solved by proper configuration? If video isn’t for you, click the green button below to read our Learn page on the same topic. And […]

Byte-Size Tech: Maximize Your Internet Connection

thumbnail from video

Corbitt and Hadley of Anderson Technologies discuss the merits of considering wired and wireless network connections when optimizing an office. Which is better? The answer isn’t black or white. If video isn’t for you, click the green button below to read our blog on the same topic. And if you just want the video transcript, […]

Save Yourself a Call: 5 Common Helpdesk Issues and How to Fix Them (Updated)

Sometimes a little troubleshooting can save yourself a call

There’s no getting around it: some people just aren’t tech-savvy. We’ve all met (or been) that person in the workplace who just isn’t “good with computers” when everything isn’t working as it should. Those feelings are valid! Technology changes frequently, and that’s far faster than most people can keep up with. Your managed services provider […]

Byte-Size Tech: Wired vs. Wireless

thumbnail from video Mark Anderson and Ryenn Gaebler of Anderson Technologies walk through a comparison between wired and wireless network connections. Stick around to the end because Mark has some tips for optimizing your wireless speeds, stability, and security. If video isn’t for you, click the green button below to read our blog on the same topic. […]

Byte-Size Tech: 3 Tips for Troubleshooting Before Calling IT

Save yourself a call! Use these troubleshooting tips

Libby Powers and Junior Systems Administrator Ben Fairbanks, both of Anderson Technologies, chat about one of the most common issues computer users face: slow operations. Ben identifies three possible approaches to troubleshoot that can often resolve the issue without starting a ticket with your IT provider. Ben shares tips about internet speeds, connectivity, computer updates, […]

Public Wi-Fi Puts Your Business at Risk: 9 Tips for Mitigating the Threat

Public Wi-Fi Small Business

Every time you or an employee logs on to a public Wi-Fi network, the safety of your business is potentially compromised. These tips will help protect your data from rampant cyber security threats on public wireless networks. The explosion of free public Wi-Fi helps people stay personally and professionally connected. However, many of these networks […]

Wireless Security — How Vulnerable Is Your Network?

WirelessSecurity in st louis

Complementary Wi-Fi is such a commonplace service in our modern-day landscape that most customers expect it as part of every business’s onsite offerings. Customers tap into public wireless access points (WAPs) everywhere they go. Before you open up your business’s network, carefully consider how to implement wireless security and shield your firm’s proprietary and private […]