Should You Break Up with Your MSP?
How one St. Louis practice shed an underperforming managed IT services provider (MSP) and the questions to ask so you don’t end up in the same situation. Relationship challenges occasionally happen, even between businesses. It’s frustrating when a potential vendor promises epic solutions to all your problems, but over the course of months or years […]
Downtime Lifeline: One Law Firm’s Battle with Outdated Tech
When companies, non-profits, or entire city governments find themselves victims of cyber crime, it can feel like they’re frozen as the world moves on around them. This feeling, to a lesser degree, might also come as you’re sitting in front of your office computer every morning, twiddling your thumbs waiting for it to boot up […]
Talking Network Security Audits and More: An Interview
What makes your business special? This is probably one of the first questions anyone will ask about your company—your IT vendor included! Nobody knows your business better than you, and learning what goals and values drive your company is an important step in the Anderson Technologies discovery process. When a potential client reaches out to […]
Small Business for Small Business: An IT Partnership
If you’re a regular reader of our blog, you might recall that we’ve written about Anderson Technologies’ avoidance of canned, one-size-fits-all solutions for IT. As a small business that specializes in serving other small businesses, we know that different clients have different needs. What works best for a small local nonprofit organization might cause more […]
SKY’s the Limit for Website Development
How Anderson Technologies Helped SKY Investment Group Reach a New Audience Have you Googled yourself recently? If you own a business or oversee the marketing of one, an internet search is the first step in evaluating your company’s online presence. Social media marketing and web search optimization can be researched and learned. Functionality and ease-of-use […]
Order of Operations: Moving and Upgrading a Network
“It was meant to be.” This is how M.B., Executive Assistant, describes the her organization’s partnership with Anderson Technologies. The organization was in the process of planning a company-wide move to upgraded facilities and wanted to upgrade their IT at the same time. The organization is split into two distinct halves: U and WEF. M.B.’s […]
Cyber Symphony: Singing IT Praises
Everyday reliability keeps your business running smoothly. But sometimes situations arise that require an extra layer of dependability. When an important client is visiting or you’re preparing for a major event, the last thing you want to see is the “No Internet Connection” notification at the bottom of your computer. A downed server, network, or […]
A Dynamic Network for a Dynamic Place: IT Support for a St. Louis Nonprofit
Every system your business uses needs tweaking over time. Employees come and go, technology advances, and you may find yourself facing unexpected issues as you balance your business’s vision with the changing technological tides. Such was the case for a residential retirement community in St. Louis and one of our managed services clients since January […]
When Phishing Strikes: The Tool Your Business Needs When Cyber Criminals Succeed
Email-delivered threats have increased drastically over the last few years. Even businesses with enterprise-level email services and employee training can fall victim to creative manipulation. To battle this, Anderson Technologies offers a solution that protects email when other systems fall short. The Incident Imagine turning on your work email to find a message from your […]
4 Common Tech Problems Impeding Your Business’s Growth
Like most business owners who live and breathe their enterprises, you and your long-time employees are probably familiar with the quirks and qualms of your office technology. Does one of the front-desk workstations sluggishly boot up at the beginning of the day or frequently crash? Do your mobile devices only pick up a wireless internet […]