Chrome Zero-Day Threat Exploit Found

Google Chrome Browser

At Anderson Technologies, we take reports of zero-day threats very seriously. So when Google disclosed one in their popular Chrome browser, our IT experts moved swiftly to patch our managed IT services clients’ devices immediately. We also want to spread the word on how to mitigate this threat. The Exploit Dubbed CVE-2019-5786, this zero-day Chrome exploit can bypass […]

Quotables: Zero-Day Threats – Defending Against the Unknown (ReadITQuik)

Increase the Digital health of Your Business

Click Here to Read the Full Article We recently published a guest article about zero-day threats on the technology news website, ReadITQuik. Mark Anderson shared some of his expert IT consulting advice with recommendations of immediate actions to help protect your business. Are you in need of expert IT consulting? Anderson Technologies is a St. Louis IT consulting […]

The Single Biggest Threat to Small Business Security: Zero-Day Threats

Zero Day Threats Are A Type of Cyber Attack

If you don’t know something exists, it’s hard to protect against it. Therein lies the challenge of zero-day threats, the technical term for cyber threats that capitalize on previously unidentified software vulnerabilities. Developers in all industries are skilled at creating “patches” of code to correct vulnerabilities in their software once they’ve been identified, but cyber […]