End of an Era: Saying Sayonara to Windows 7

windows 7 end of life windows 10 upgrade

January 14, 2020. Today marks the end of an era. As of today, Microsoft no longer offers support for its Windows 7 operating system. If you’re still hanging on to outdated hardware running Windows 7, you’ll no longer receive updates, attack countermeasures, and security patches. Your Windows 7 machines—and entire network—will be vulnerable to new […]

Robots? Working with Me? It’s More Likely Than You Think

How can AI aide your business function?

Remember Roomba? Maybe you have one, zipping around your home, getting caught under furniture and amidst wires. That seemingly simple machine, armed with programming and dust-sucking, became seamlessly integrated in the lives of millions. But even at the height of the Roomba revolution, there wasn’t a lot of talk about smart vacuums stealing our jobs […]

Quotables: Windows 7 End of Life (E-Commerce Times)

malware - ecommerce times

Click here to read the full article! Mark Anderson’s expert advice is featured in E-Commerce Times, providing context for the upcoming Windows 7 End of Life date. The most visible threat to an unpatched OS is ransomware planted on your computer or network in an effort to extort money for returning your data. If you’re […]

AI: Should We Fear the Demon? (Not Yet)

Are driverless cars a pending threat?

The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) may not have a more well-known figure than Elon Musk, entrepreneurial head of Tesla and SpaceX. In a 2014 interview, Musk stated: “With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah, he’s […]

Office Depot Pays for False Malware Reports

Office Depot

Do you trust your computer’s security to anonymous department store employees? For many, the low price, high convenience, and ease of taking a home computer or laptop to a store like Office Depot or OfficeMax for maintenance or repair far outweighs any risk that would normally be associated with a stranger sifting through your files. […]

Chrome Zero-Day Threat Exploit Found

Google Chrome Browser

At Anderson Technologies, we take reports of zero-day threats very seriously. So when Google disclosed one in their popular Chrome browser, our IT experts moved swiftly to patch our managed IT services clients’ devices immediately. We also want to spread the word on how to mitigate this threat. The Exploit Dubbed CVE-2019-5786, this zero-day Chrome exploit can bypass […]

Countdown to Windows 7 End of Life on January 14, 2020

windows 7 end of life windows 10 upgrade

While the world celebrated the New Year, Microsoft enjoyed their own major milestone as Windows 10 was finally declared more popular than Windows 7.  Previous iterations of the Windows operating system couldn’t sway many Windows 7 corporate holdouts (Windows 8 and Windows Vista, for example), but for several years Windows 10 has demonstrated the stability […]

Infected? A New Phishing Attempt for 2018

Don't pay the ransom!

Even managed service providers receive scam emails and phone calls. These serve as a reminder that education on phishing, scareware, and ransomware is an ongoing process, one that even IT experts need to stay sharp on. But let’s assume you aren’t an IT expert. How can you best determine the validity of these messages and […]

Why Is Ransomware on the Rise in St. Louis?

Ransomware St. Louis

Ransomware is on the rise everywhere, not just in St. Louis. Ransomware can cost a small business tens of thousands of dollars—or even more! Let’s take a look at the proliferation of ransomware, and how your business can protect itself. A small business’s data is one of its most valuable assets. When criminals launch a […]

Thinking About Skipping a Software Update? Think Again!

Software Updates

A vital part of any IT support program is managing software updates. It’s all too tempting to choose “Remind me later,” but as every IT support team knows, these updates are meant to fix problems, improve functionality, and make your device more secure. The inconvenience of downloading and installing essential software updates is far less […]